50+ Best Small Bedroom Ideas and Designs for 2021

Small Bedroom Decor Ideas

50+ Best Small Bedroom Ideas and Designs for 2021

Decorating a small bedroom can be a challenge, but with the right ideas, you can create a cozy and inviting space that feels much larger than it actually is. Here are a few tips to get you started:

Start by decluttering and getting rid of anything you don't need. The less stuff you have in your bedroom, the more spacious it will feel. Once you've declhiratered, you can start to think about how you want to arrange your furniture.

Bedroom Decor Ideas for Small Rooms

When decorating a small bedroom, it's important to keep a few key things in mind:

  • Declutter and minimize
  • Maximize vertical space
  • Use light colors and mirrors

By following these tips, you can create a small bedroom that feels spacious, inviting, and stylish.

Declutter and minimize

The first step to decorating a small bedroom is to declutter and minimize. This means getting rid of anything you don't need or use. The less stuff you have in your bedroom, the more spacious it will feel.

  • Get rid of anything you don't need or use

    This includes clothes, furniture, books, and anything else that is taking up space. If you haven't used something in the past year, it's time to get rid of it.

  • Store items vertically

    If you have a lot of stuff, try to store it vertically instead of horizontally. This will help to save space and make your bedroom feel more organized.

  • Use under-bed storage

    The space under your bed is a great place to store items that you don't use on a regular basis. This can help to free up space in your closet and drawers.

  • Keep your bedroom clean and tidy

    A cluttered and messy bedroom will always feel smaller than a clean and tidy one. Make sure to put things away as soon as you're finished with them, and try to keep your surfaces clear.

By following these tips, you can declutter and minimize your small bedroom, making it feel more spacious and inviting.

Maximize vertical space

One of the best ways to make a small bedroom feel larger is to maximize vertical space. This means using the walls and ceiling to your advantage, and storing items vertically instead of horizontally.

Here are a few tips for maximizing vertical space in your bedroom:

Use wall-mounted shelves
Wall-mounted shelves are a great way to store books, clothes, and other items without taking up floor space. You can find wall-mounted shelves in a variety of sizes and styles, so you can find ones that fit your needs and décor.

Hang curtains from the ceiling
Hanging curtains from the ceiling can make your bedroom feel taller and more spacious. This is especially effective if you have high ceilings. You can also use curtains to create a focal point in your bedroom, or to add a touch of color and personality.

Use stackable storage bins
Stackable storage bins are a great way to store items vertically in closets and drawers. This can help to save space and keep your belongings organized. You can find stackable storage bins in a variety of sizes and materials, so you can find ones that fit your needs and style.

Install a loft bed
If you have a small bedroom, a loft bed can be a great way to save space. Loft beds are raised beds that have a space underneath for storage or a workspace. This can help to free up floor space in your bedroom, making it feel more spacious.

By following these tips, you can maximize vertical space in your small bedroom, making it feel more spacious and inviting.

Use light colors and mirrors

Another way to make a small bedroom feel larger is to use light colors and mirrors. Light colors reflect light, which can help to make a room feel more spacious. Mirrors can also create the illusion of space, and can be used to reflect light around the room.

  • Paint the walls a light color

    Light colors, such as white, cream, and light gray, can help to make a small bedroom feel more spacious. Avoid using dark colors, as these can make a room feel smaller and more cramped.

  • Use light-colored furniture

    Light-colored furniture will also help to make a small bedroom feel larger. Avoid using dark-colored furniture, as this can make a room feel smaller and more cluttered.

  • Hang mirrors on the walls

    Mirrors can create the illusion of space, and can be used to reflect light around the room. Hang mirrors on walls opposite windows to reflect natural light, or hang them on walls opposite each other to create a sense of depth.

  • Use reflective surfaces

    Reflective surfaces, such as glass and metal, can also help to make a small bedroom feel larger. Use reflective surfaces in your décor, such as a glass coffee table or a metal headboard.

By following these tips, you can use light colors and mirrors to make your small bedroom feel more spacious and inviting.


Here are some frequently asked questions about bedroom decor ideas for small rooms:

Question 1: What are some ways to make a small bedroom feel larger?
Answer 1: There are a few things you can do to make a small bedroom feel larger. First, declutter and minimize your belongings. This will help to create a sense of space and make your room feel less cluttered. Second, maximize vertical space by using wall-mounted shelves and hanging curtains from the ceiling. Third, use light colors and mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of space.

Question 2: What are some space-saving furniture ideas for small bedrooms?
Answer 2: There are a number of space-saving furniture ideas that you can use in a small bedroom. One option is to use a loft bed, which has a raised bed with a space underneath for storage or a workspace. Another option is to use a Murphy bed, which folds up into a cabinet when not in use. You can also use stackable storage bins to store items vertically in closets and drawers.

Question 3: How can I decorate a small bedroom with a low budget?
Answer 3: There are a number of ways to decorate a small bedroom on a low budget. One option is to use paint to update the walls. You can also use inexpensive accessories, such as throw pillows, curtains, and rugs, to add personality to your room. Another option is to DIY some of your own décor, such as a headboard or wall art.

Question 4: What are some tips for making a small bedroom more cozy?
Answer 4: There are a few things you can do to make a small bedroom more cozy. One option is to use soft and comfortable fabrics, such as velvet or flannel. You can also use warm colors, such as reds and oranges, to create a sense of warmth and coziness. Another option is to add some personal touches, such as photos or artwork, to make your room feel more like home.

Question 5: What are some tips for making a small bedroom more functional?
Answer 5: There are a number of things you can do to make a small bedroom more functional. One option is to use multi-purpose furniture, such as an ottoman with built-in storage. You can also use vertical space by using wall-mounted shelves and hanging baskets. Another option is to declutter and minimize your belongings to create a sense of space.

Question 6: What are some common mistakes to avoid when decorating a small bedroom?
Answer 6: There are a few common mistakes to avoid when decorating a small bedroom. One mistake is to use too much dark furniture or décor, which can make a room feel smaller and more cramped. Another mistake is to clutter your room with too many belongings. Finally, avoid using too many small pieces of furniture, as this can make a room feel more cluttered and disorganized.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

These are just a few of the frequently asked questions about bedroom decor ideas for small rooms. By following these tips, you can create a small bedroom that is stylish, functional, and inviting.

Now that you have some ideas for decorating a small bedroom, here are a few additional tips to help you get started:


Here are a few additional tips for decorating a small bedroom:

Tip 1: Use multi-purpose furniture
Multi-purpose furniture is a great way to save space in a small bedroom. For example, you could use an ottoman with built-in storage, or a bed with drawers underneath. This can help to reduce the amount of clutter in your room and make it feel more spacious.

Tip 2: Use vertical space
Vertical space is often overlooked in small bedrooms, but it can be a great way to save space. Use wall-mounted shelves to store books, clothes, and other items. You can also hang curtains from the ceiling to make your room feel taller and more spacious.

Tip 3: Declutter and minimize
Decluttering and minimizing is one of the best ways to make a small bedroom feel larger. Get rid of anything you don't need or use, and store items vertically to save space. This will help to create a sense of space and make your room feel less cluttered.

Tip 4: Use light colors and mirrors
Light colors and mirrors can help to make a small bedroom feel larger. Light colors reflect light, which can help to make a room feel more spacious. Mirrors can also create the illusion of space, and can be used to reflect light around the room.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can create a small bedroom that is stylish, functional, and inviting.

Now that you have some ideas for decorating a small bedroom, let's move on to the conclusion.


Decorating a small bedroom can be a challenge, but it is possible to create a space that is both stylish and functional. By following the tips in this article, you can make your small bedroom feel larger, more inviting, and more comfortable.

Here is a summary of the main points:

  • Declutter and minimize your belongings to create a sense of space.
  • Maximize vertical space by using wall-mounted shelves and hanging curtains from the ceiling.
  • Use light colors and mirrors to reflect light and create the illusion of space.
  • Use multi-purpose furniture to save space and keep your room organized.

By following these tips, you can create a small bedroom that you love. Remember, the most important thing is to create a space that is comfortable and inviting for you.

Closing Message

Thank you for reading! I hope this article has given you some ideas for decorating your small bedroom. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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