Blind Play

Blind Play Ch 22

Blind Play

Blind Play is a text-based, interactive fiction game created by Choice of Games LLC. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the player must navigate a series of challenges in order to survive. The player character is blind, which adds an additional layer of difficulty to the game.

In Chapter 22 of Blind Play, the player character must navigate a dark and dangerous forest. The player must use their other senses to avoid obstacles and find their way through the forest. The player must also make choices that will affect the outcome of the game.

Blind Play Chapter 3

This chapter of Blind Play is particularly challenging, as the player character must navigate a dark and dangerous forest. The player must use their other senses to avoid obstacles and find their way through the forest. The player must also make choices that will affect the outcome of the game.
  • The player must use their sense of hearing to avoid obstacles and find their way through the forest.
  • The player must make choices that will affect the outcome of the game.
  • The player must be careful not to make too much noise, as this could attract dangerous creatures.
  • The player must be patient and persistent, as finding their way through the forest will take time.
  • The player must be prepared to face challenges, as there will be many obstacles along the way.
If the player is successful in navigating the forest, they will be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and the satisfaction of knowing that they have overcome a difficult challenge.

The player must use their sense of hearing to avoid obstacles and find their way through the forest.

In Blind Play Chapter 22, the player character is blind and must rely on their other senses to navigate the dark and dangerous forest. The player's sense of hearing is particularly important, as it can be used to detect obstacles and find a path through the forest.
  • Listen for rustling leaves and snapping twigs. These sounds can indicate that there is an obstacle in the player's path, such as a tree branch or a fallen log.

    If the player hears these sounds, they should stop and listen carefully to determine the location of the obstacle. Once the player knows where the obstacle is, they can carefully walk around it.

  • Listen for the sound of running water. This sound can indicate that there is a river or stream nearby.

    If the player hears the sound of running water, they can follow the sound to find the river or stream. The player can then use the river or stream to help them navigate through the forest.

  • Listen for the sound of birds and other animals. These sounds can indicate that there is a clearing or a safe area nearby.

    If the player hears the sound of birds or other animals, they can follow the sound to find the clearing or safe area. The player can then rest in the clearing or safe area before continuing on their journey.

  • Listen for the sound of danger. These sounds can indicate that there is a dangerous creature or person nearby.

    If the player hears the sound of danger, they should stop and listen carefully to determine the location of the danger. Once the player knows where the danger is, they can carefully avoid it.

By using their sense of hearing carefully, the player can avoid obstacles, find their way through the forest, and stay safe from danger.

The player must make choices that will affect the outcome of the game.

In Blind Play Chapter 22, the player character is blind and must rely on their other senses to navigate the dark and dangerous forest. Finding their way through the forest will take time and patience.
  • The forest is large and complex. There are many different paths that the player can take, and it is easy to get lost. The player must be patient and explore the forest carefully in order to find their way through.

    If the player gets lost, they should not panic. They should stop and listen to the sounds of the forest. The player can use the sounds of the forest to determine which direction to go.

  • The forest is dangerous. There are many dangerous creatures and obstacles in the forest. The player must be careful and avoid these dangers.

    If the player encounters a dangerous creature or obstacle, they should try to avoid it. The player can use their sense of hearing to detect dangerous creatures and obstacles. The player can also use their sense of smell to detect dangerous creatures.

  • The player must be persistent. Finding their way through the forest will take time and effort. The player must not give up, even if they get lost or encounter difficulties.

    If the player gets discouraged, they should take a break and rest. The player can also try a different path through the forest. With patience and persistence, the player will eventually find their way through the forest.

  • The player can use their other senses to help them find their way through the forest. The player can use their sense of hearing to detect obstacles and find a path through the forest. The player can also use their sense of smell to detect dangerous creatures and find food and water.

    By using their other senses, the player can increase their chances of finding their way through the forest safely and successfully.

The player must be patient and persistent in order to find their way through the forest. With patience and persistence, the player will eventually reach their destination.

The player must be prepared to face challenges, as there will be many obstacles along the way.

In Blind Play Chapter 22, the player character is blind and must rely on their other senses to navigate the dark and dangerous forest. The player will encounter many obstacles along the way, such as fallen trees, boulders, and ravines. The player must be prepared to face these challenges in order to find their way through the forest.
  • The player must be prepared to climb over fallen trees. Fallen trees are a common obstacle in the forest. The player can use their sense of touch to find a place to climb over the fallen tree. The player can also use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of running water. Running water can indicate that there is a stream or river nearby. The player can follow the sound of running water to find a place to cross the stream or river.

    If the player encounters a fallen tree that they cannot climb over, they can try to find a way around it. The player can use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of a path. The player can also use their sense of smell to detect the scent of a path. Paths often have a distinct scent that can be detected by the player's sense of smell.

  • The player must be prepared to climb over boulders. Boulders are another common obstacle in the forest. The player can use their sense of touch to find a place to climb over the boulder. The player can also use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of running water. Running water can indicate that there is a stream or river nearby. The player can follow the sound of running water to find a place to cross the stream or river.

    If the player encounters a boulder that they cannot climb over, they can try to find a way around it. The player can use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of a path. The player can also use their sense of smell to detect the scent of a path. Paths often have a distinct scent that can be detected by the player's sense of smell.

  • The player must be prepared to cross ravines. Ravines are a dangerous obstacle in the forest. The player can use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of running water. Running water can indicate that there is a stream or river nearby. The player can follow the sound of running water to find a place to cross the stream or river.

    If the player encounters a ravine that they cannot cross, they can try to find a way around it. The player can use their sense of hearing to listen for the sound of a path. The player can also use their sense of smell to detect the scent of a path. Paths often have a distinct scent that can be detected by the player's sense of smell.

  • The player must be prepared to face other challenges. In addition to fallen trees, boulders, and ravines, the player may encounter other challenges in the forest. The player may encounter dangerous creatures, such as wolves or bears. The player may also encounter bad weather, such as rain or snow. The player must be prepared to face these challenges in order to find their way through the forest.
The player must be prepared to face challenges in order to find their way through the forest. With preparation and perseverance, the player can overcome any obstacle and reach their destination.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Blind Play Chapter 22:

Question 1: How do I avoid obstacles in the forest?

Answer: You can use your sense of hearing to detect obstacles in the forest. Listen for the sound of rustling leaves, snapping twigs, and running water. These sounds can indicate that there is an obstacle in your path.

Question 2: How do I find my way through the forest?

Answer: You can use your sense of hearing to find your way through the forest. Listen for the sound of running water. Running water can indicate that there is a stream or river nearby. You can follow the sound of running water to find a place to cross the stream or river.

Question 3: How do I avoid dangerous creatures?

Answer: You can use your sense of hearing to detect dangerous creatures. Listen for the sound of growling, snarling, or hissing. These sounds can indicate that there is a dangerous creature nearby. You can also use your sense of smell to detect dangerous creatures. Some dangerous creatures have a distinct scent that can be detected by your sense of smell.

Question 4: How do I find food and water?

Answer: You can use your sense of smell to find food and water. Food and water often have a distinct scent that can be detected by your sense of smell. You can also use your sense of hearing to find food and water. Listen for the sound of running water. Running water can indicate that there is a stream or river nearby. You can follow the sound of running water to find a place to cross the stream or river.

Question 5: How do I stay safe in the forest?

Answer: You can stay safe in the forest by being aware of your surroundings. Use your senses of hearing, smell, and touch to detect obstacles, dangerous creatures, and food and water. Be patient and persistent, and don't give up. With preparation and perseverance, you can find your way through the forest and reach your destination.

Question 6: What if I get lost?

Answer: If you get lost, don't panic. Stop and listen to the sounds of the forest. The sounds of the forest can help you determine which direction to go. You can also use your sense of smell to detect the scent of a path. Paths often have a distinct scent that can be detected by your sense of smell.

We hope these answers have been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

Now that you know the basics of how to play Blind Play Chapter 22, here are some tips to help you succeed:


Here are some tips to help you succeed in Blind Play Chapter 22:

Tip 1: Use your senses to your advantage.

Your sense of hearing, smell, and touch are your most important tools in Blind Play Chapter 22. Use your sense of hearing to detect obstacles, dangerous creatures, and food and water. Use your sense of smell to detect dangerous creatures and food and water. Use your sense of touch to find a path through the forest and to avoid obstacles.

Tip 2: Be patient and persistent.

Finding your way through the forest will take time and patience. Don't get discouraged if you get lost or encounter difficulties. Just keep trying and you will eventually reach your destination.

Tip 3: Don't be afraid to experiment.

There is no one right way to play Blind Play Chapter 22. Experiment with different ways of using your senses to navigate the forest. You may find that some methods work better for you than others.

Tip 4: Have fun!

Blind Play Chapter 22 is a challenging but rewarding game. Don't forget to have fun while you're playing.

We hope these tips have been helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions.

We hope you enjoy playing Blind Play Chapter 22! Good luck on your journey through the forest.


Blind Play Chapter 22 is a challenging but rewarding game. The player character must use their senses of hearing, smell, and touch to navigate a dark and dangerous forest. The player must also make choices that will affect the outcome of the game.

The main points of Blind Play Chapter 22 are as follows:

  • The player character is blind and must rely on their other senses to navigate the forest.
  • The player must use their sense of hearing to detect obstacles and find a path through the forest.
  • The player must use their sense of smell to detect dangerous creatures and find food and water.
  • The player must use their sense of touch to find a path through the forest and to avoid obstacles.
  • The player must be patient and persistent in order to find their way through the forest.
  • The player must be prepared to face challenges in order to find their way through the forest.

Blind Play Chapter 22 is a game that tests the player's senses and their ability to overcome challenges. The game is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

We hope you have enjoyed reading this article about Blind Play Chapter 22. We encourage you to play the game for yourself and experience the challenges and rewards of playing a blind character.

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