Chic Living Room Decorating Trends to Watch Out for in 2015

Latest Trends In Wall Decor

Chic Living Room Decorating Trends to Watch Out for in 2015

In the realm of interior design, walls have emerged as canvases for expressing creativity and elevating the aesthetics of any space. The latest trends in wall decor reflect a departure from traditional approaches, embracing innovations in materials, textures, and artistic styles.

Gone are the days when bare walls dominated interiors. Today, walls are adorned with a myriad of possibilities, transforming them into focal points that evoke emotions, reflect personalities, and create captivating visual experiences.

As we delve into the latest trends in wall decor, we will explore the diverse options that cater to every taste and desire, empowering homeowners and interior enthusiasts to craft spaces that are both visually stunning and uniquely personal.

Latest Trends in Wall Decor

The latest trends in wall decor encompass a wide range of styles, materials, and techniques, offering endless possibilities for homeowners and interior designers to create unique and visually appealing spaces.

  • Bold Patterns: Geometric prints, abstract designs, and vibrant colors add a touch of drama and personality to walls.
  • Textured Walls: Wallcoverings with tactile textures, such as embossed patterns or woven fabrics, create depth and interest.

These trends reflect a growing desire for walls to be more than just a backdrop, but rather integral elements that contribute to the overall ambiance and style of a space.

Bold Patterns: Geometric prints, abstract designs, and vibrant colors add a touch of drama and personality to walls.

Bold patterns have made a grand entrance into the world of wall decor, transforming walls into captivating canvases that exude character and style.

  • Geometric Prints: Sharp lines, angles, and shapes create a sense of order and modernity, adding a touch of sophistication to any space.
  • Abstract Designs: Non-representational patterns and organic forms evoke a sense of intrigue and creativity, inviting viewers to interpret and appreciate their unique beauty.
  • Vibrant Colors: Walls painted in bold and saturated hues, such as emerald green, cobalt blue, or fiery red, make a statement and create a visually stimulating atmosphere.
  • Patterned Wallcoverings: Wallpapers and wallcoverings adorned with striking patterns offer a convenient and transformative way to add bold patterns to walls, creating a cohesive and impactful look.

By embracing bold patterns on their walls, homeowners and designers can break away from the mundane and create spaces that are both visually stunning and unforgettable.

Textured Walls: Wallcoverings with tactile textures, such as embossed patterns or woven fabrics, create depth and interest.

Textured walls have emerged as a captivating trend in wall decor, adding a new dimension to interior spaces and creating a sensory experience that transcends the visual.

  • Embossed Patterns: Wallcoverings with embossed patterns feature raised or recessed designs that create a tactile experience, adding depth and character to walls.
  • Woven Fabrics: Woven fabrics, such as grasscloth, silk, and linen, add warmth and texture to walls, creating a cozy and inviting ambiance.
  • Natural Materials: Wallcoverings made from natural materials, such as wood, stone, or cork, bring a touch of the outdoors into interior spaces, creating a unique and organic aesthetic.
  • Three-Dimensional Wallcoverings: Three-dimensional wallcoverings, featuring sculptural elements or layered textures, create a striking and visually engaging focal point in any room.

By incorporating textured walls into their designs, homeowners and interior designers can create spaces that are not only visually appealing but also inviting and tactile, enhancing the overall sensory experience.


To help you navigate the latest trends in wall decor and make informed decisions for your own space, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and their answers:

Question 1: How can I incorporate bold patterns into my wall decor without overwhelming the space?
Answer: Use bold patterns sparingly, as accent walls or on smaller surfaces, to create a focal point without overpowering the room.

Question 2: What are some unique ways to add texture to my walls?
Answer: Consider using three-dimensional wallcoverings, woven fabrics, or natural materials like wood or stone to add depth and interest to your walls.

Question 3: How do I choose the right wall decor for my personal style?
Answer: Identify your preferred color palette, patterns, and textures, and select wall decor that complements your existing furnishings and reflects your taste.

Question 4: What are some budget-friendly ways to update my wall decor?
Answer: Paint your walls a fresh color, add artwork or prints, or use removable wallpaper to create a new look without breaking the bank.

Question 5: How can I create a cohesive wall decor scheme throughout my home?
Answer: Choose a color scheme or theme that ties the different rooms together, and select wall decor that complements the overall style of your home.

Question 6: Where can I find inspiration for my wall decor?
Answer: Look through home decor magazines, visit showrooms or design centers, and browse online platforms like Pinterest and Houzz for inspiration.

Remember, the key to successful wall decor is to balance creativity with practicality. By carefully considering your space, personal style, and budget, you can create a wall decor scheme that enhances your home's ambiance and reflects your unique personality.

Now that you have a better understanding of the latest trends and have explored some frequently asked questions, let's delve into some practical tips to help you elevate your wall decor even further.


To help you implement the latest trends in wall decor and achieve stunning results in your own space, here are some practical tips to follow:

Tip 1: Consider Scale and Proportion
When selecting wall decor, consider the size and proportions of your walls and furniture. Large artwork or mirrors can make a bold statement in a spacious room, while smaller pieces may be more suitable for cozy spaces.

Tip 2: Experiment with Layering
Add depth and interest to your walls by layering different pieces of wall decor. Hang artwork at varying heights, use floating shelves to display objects, and incorporate mirrors to reflect light and create an illusion of space.

Tip 3: Mix and Match Textures and Patterns
Create a visually captivating wall display by combining different textures and patterns. For example, pair a textured wallpaper with a smooth mirror or hang woven baskets alongside framed prints.

Tip 4: Don't Neglect Lighting
Proper lighting can enhance the impact of your wall decor. Use spotlights to highlight artwork, place lamps strategically to create ambient light, and consider using natural light to illuminate your walls during the day.

By following these tips and embracing the latest trends in wall decor, you can transform your walls into captivating focal points that reflect your personal style and create a welcoming and visually stunning atmosphere in your home.

As you embark on your wall decor journey, remember that the key is to let your creativity shine through. Experiment with different ideas, mix and match styles, and don't be afraid to make bold choices. Your walls are a canvas for self-expression, so embrace the opportunity to create a space that is uniquely yours.


The latest trends in wall decor empower homeowners and interior designers to transform their walls into captivating canvases that reflect their personal styles and create visually stunning spaces. By embracing bold patterns, incorporating textured elements, and experimenting with innovative materials, you can elevate your walls from mere backdrops to integral design features.

Remember, the key to successful wall decor lies in finding a balance between creativity and practicality. Consider the scale and proportion of your walls, experiment with layering and mixing textures and patterns, and don't neglect the importance of lighting. By following these principles and embracing the latest trends, you can create wall decor schemes that are both aesthetically pleasing and uniquely personal.

Your walls are a reflection of your taste and personality, so don't be afraid to let your creativity shine through. Embrace the opportunity to experiment and make bold choices, and you will be rewarded with a home that is not only beautiful but also a true expression of yourself.

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